

Mississippi John Hurt

This song is my favorite song that we have so far heard in this class. Unlike most songs in this course this song tells a story without being incredibly long and boring. The emotions this song evoke are a mixture to sadness but if you don't listen to the lyrics it almost sounds like a soft country song. In the lyrics it talks about how there is this bad man (Stagolee) that gets away with killing this person just because he did something that Stagolee didn't like... so he shot him. In the end of this song it talks about how they finally hang Sagolee. I know this songs story is quite depressing but everything else about this song reminds me of a country song that I listen to in my youth. So whenever I hear this song instead of feeling the sad emotions I should be feeling I am instead filled with happy memories from my childhood. the guitar in this is my favorite part as he figure picks (my favorite way to play the guitar) induvial chords. This song did surprise me because I did not expect to find any songs that I like or even had any interest in.
