"Charlie Brown" The Coasters

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 Charlie Brown

By the Coasters

This song is one of my favorite because it reminds me of a song that I use to listen growing up as a kid. This song is called "Yakety Yak Don't Talk Back". This song is about doing chores and how you are constantly getting parented. I would always play this when I was mad at my parents or doing a house job. One of the things in common with this song and "Yakety Yak" Is that they are both composed by the Coasters! While Yakety Yak is about doing chores, doing jobs, and sufferings from our parents constant rules, Charlie Brown is about how school can be hard and it is even hard to pay attention and listen in a school setting. These song for some reason remind me of my childhood because I grew up in a very strict house hold (Going to bed at 9 till I was 17... I know right, ridiculous) and school was especially hard for me to concentrate in. Overall it is crazy how they are able to express these problems in life through a song that is so upbeat and happy! I hope you all enjoyed!


  1. I love the song "Yakety Yak Don't Talk Back"! "Charlie Brown," and that song are so good! These songs weren't uncommon to hear around my household. They have this amazing beat that makes chores a little more enjoyable. This songs would play at my dad's classroom all the time when he would grade papers. Since I had to go hangout with him after school sometimes it brings back good memories of playing around his classroom till it was time to go home.


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